Monday, May 26, 2008

Go baby

We could write about Hope's first boat ride yesterday. We could go the health-update route: Nasty cough, possible ear infection, start of antibiotics. We could posit about the promise of spring and yearnings for higher truths.

But it's a long weekend, everyone is half-asleep and the pontification well is dry. Here's a video instead. She's doing some cool stuff with rings. Her therapist says she's one of the most focused players she's seen. We could take that a lot of ways. We'll go with the good one.


Karen said...

Happy Memorial Day! I loved the movie and I hope Hope feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

Now if only she could get those rings in her mouth, life would be good! That's some good work she's doing! Good song on the video, too -- thanks so much for a great couple of minutes!

What's going on with her hair? Is she losing parts of her wonderful faux hawk, or is she stylin' with some deep parts?

Lotsa love from Grandma K.

Misty said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is one awesome video!!!

we cannot make it to the conference this year, but are goiing to plan on it next year. would LOVE to meet you guys!! yes, yes, yes!!

i know how you feel about not wanting to start up conversation in the department store about cdls... that is what happened at a bbq that i went to yesterday, however, i don't mind questions..i HATE stares and whispers... that irks me to no end!

i think that i need to orders some extra packets and hand them out to dr.s and other specialists!! that is such a great idea! will add that on my list of things to do this week! :)!!

i hope that hope feels better!! and can't wait for the next installment! i need to learn how to upload videos here, although mason is just now coming out of what they called his 'newborn' stage.

have a wonderful week!

Sonia said...

Great video! She is doing amazing! Hope she's feeling better.

beth said...

Go baby go! Super cute video.