Sunday, April 4, 2010

The swimmer

Hope loves the water. We love watching Hope in the water. It's a pretty good arrangement that works well for all parties.


Staci said...

The boys and I enjoyed watching Hope swim! They think we need to get a floaty like Hopes for Vinny (just not pink). I hope Vinny enjoys the water as much as Hope!

Debbie said...

Love it!

Karen said...

Hope really seems to enjoy water! Where did you find her "raft"? I am taking Ben to his preschool swim day later this month. I hope he enjoys himself as much as Hope does!

carolynknz said...

What a gorgeous little girl. I can see how special and how loved she is. The Swimmer video is just delightful.
PS Just visting random blogs, found yours and wanted to leave a comment.

Rachelle said...

Too cute! I'm glad Hope loves the water ~ Joey does too! Well, now he does. When he was younger, he absolutely hated it. It would take all of our strength just to give him a bath. Now he never wants to get out! I've been pretty bad about making the blog rounds lately - and keeping up our blog. But hope to change that and get back in the groove!

Aunt Molly said...

Super cute...