Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy face

This one's for you, Big Mo: Today's entry is all smiling toads, pots o' gold and bales of cotton candy. So stereotypically Irish it's politically incorrect, Mo would rather eat her own eyeballs than think someone was feeling sorry for her.

She gets peeved when I include too many details about bad days on the blog, preferring instead I skim over the ugly parts and accentuate the positive.

So here goes: We won our battle with supplemental insurance and got sleek, small and lighter hearing aids for Hopesy. And they're pink! Photos to come. Hope resumed occupational therapy on Monday. It's not as many hours as we 'd like -- or think she deserves --but Michigan is budget-cut crazy, so we're grateful for her two hours a week of therapy.

She remains the undisputed, No. 1 Cutie.


Brooklyn Salt said...

I love that crazy music!

Misty said...

GREAT video!! and hooray for the new hearing aids!!

heidi @ ggip said...

Very fun video. I'm glad to hear about the new hearing aids. We haven't been able to get our supplemental insurance approved by the state yet. Apparently they want us to give them all the information we already gave them, in a different way...

cdlsva said...

Love the bathtime video! Congrats on getting the supplemental insurance and Hope's new pink hearing aids (can't wait to see the photos).

Anonymous said...

I want to hold her!! I miss you guys!!!

Love from Maine,
Grandma K.

beth said...

Glad you got the new hearing aids. (Pink is the new black!)

Great video. Bathtime looks like a lot more fun these days!

beth said...

P.S. What 70's game show is that music from?!?

Anonymous said...

Nice catch, Beth! It's the "$25,000 Pyramid"! Not to be confused with incredibly similar-sounding, but less rewarding "$10,000 Pyramid." Cheapskates.
